At Global Plant-Based Certification, we are on a mission to unite the world through the shared love of plant-based living. We are thrilled to announce our latest addition to the plant-based certified family, Tabu Foods, hailing from the vibrant land of South Africa. Tabu Foods is a culinary gem dedicated to crafting high-quality, whole food, plant-based products, drawing inspiration from the Japanese macrobiotic philosophy. Their delectable range of tofu, tempeh, and paneer has already captured the hearts and taste buds of many, and we’re excited to tell you all about it.

Tabu Foods: Crafting Macrobiotic Masterpieces

Tabu Foods is a company with a clear mission – to manufacture and provide high-quality, whole food, plant-based products that uphold the principles of macrobiotic philosophy. Rooted in Japanese tradition, macrobiotic principles emphasize the perfect balance between Yin and Yang, vital for a harmonious and alkaline diet. At Tabu Foods, these principles are not just guidelines; they are the foundation of their culinary creations.

Their commitment to quality shines through in their use of locally sourced organic non-GMO products. By ensuring that their fare is natural and made fresh daily, Tabu Foods offers a truly authentic plant-based experience. Each product tells a story of dedication to health, sustainability, and culinary excellence.

The Macrobiotic Way

The heart and soul of Tabu Foods are deeply entwined with macrobiotic principles. These age-old concepts, rooted in the Macrobiotic Diet developed by George Ohsawa, guide every aspect of their manufacturing process. The result? A range of plant-based products that are not only delicious but also in perfect harmony with nature.

Tabu Foods doesn’t just offer plant-based products; they provide an entire culinary philosophy. Their commitment to macrobiotic principles ensures that each bite you take aligns with a balanced, alkaline diet. It’s not just about taste; it’s about nourishing your body and soul with each mouthful.

Organic Certified Excellence

Quality and sustainability are at the core of Tabu Foods’ ethos. Their dedication to sourcing locally and using organic non-GMO ingredients demonstrates their commitment to both the planet and the well-being of their consumers. Every product they offer is a testament to their unwavering focus on purity and quality.

Beyond Food: Macrobiotic Consultations and Seminars

Tabu Foods goes above and beyond when it comes to promoting a plant-based, macrobiotic lifestyle. In addition to their delectable products, they also offer macrobiotic consultations, counseling, and seminars. These valuable resources are rooted in the age-old principles of the Macrobiotic Diet and provide individuals with the knowledge and guidance they need to embark on their own plant-based journey.

From South Africa to the World

Tabu Foods is based in two vibrant South African cities, Pretoria and Cape Town. However, their influence extends far beyond city limits. They offer delivery services across South Africa, ensuring that the goodness of their plant-based creations reaches every corner of the country. If you’re interested in sharing Tabu Foods’ products with your community, they’re open to partnerships. Whether you’re a shop owner or a restaurant, Tabu Foods welcomes the opportunity to bring their culinary treasures to your patrons.

The Chefs Behind Tabu Foods

TabuFood was founded in 2014 by Anita van Wyk and Mika Zorgman, but it’s Mika who brings a wealth of culinary expertise to the table. With 26 years of experience as a chef and 17 years dedicated to researching and studying food and nutrition extensively, Mika is the driving force behind Tabu Foods’ culinary excellence. Her passion for creating plant-based masterpieces shines through in every product they offer.

A Word from Global Plant-Based Certification

Miriam at Global Plant-Based Certification shares her enthusiasm about Tabu Foods joining the plant-based certified family, “It was a real pleasure dealing with Tabu to get them plant-based certified. We are sure their products will be a big hit.” With a culinary philosophy rooted in macrobiotic principles and a commitment to quality, Tabu Foods is a welcomed addition to the global plant-based movement. Their dedication to the balance between Yin and Yang, an alkaline diet, and a sustainable approach to sourcing ingredients sets them on a path to becoming a beloved name in the world of plant-based cuisine.

In conclusion, Tabu Foods is not just a brand; it’s a culinary experience that pays homage to tradition while embracing the future of plant-based living. Their products are more than just tofu, tempeh, and paneer; they are an invitation to savor the delights of South Africa with every bite. We are proud to welcome Tabu Foods to the Global Plant-Based Certified family and can’t wait to see the positive impact they make on the world of plant-based cuisine.