Global Plant Based Certified wants every consumer to feel confident that the food choices they make are exactly what they say they are. Our unique inspection-based certification system guarantees products bearing the Global Plant Based Certification logo have met the criteria set out in the GPBC Standard.
The symbol of the Global Plant Based Certified is more than a testament of quality, it is a guarantee that the product in hand contains nothing unexpected and is free from any animal-derived products.
Our Blog
Vegan vs. Plant-Based: Understanding the Difference
In the realm of dietary choices, terms like "vegan" and "plant-based" are often used interchangeably, but they represent distinct philosophies and lifestyles. Understanding the difference between the two is essential for making informed decisions about
Introducing Global Plant Based Certified – Your Trusted Certification Partner
Global Plant Based Certification Agency stands at the forefront of the plant-based revolution, offering comprehensive certification services to companies worldwide. Our mission is simple yet profound: to make the world a greener, more sustainable place,
The Importance of Plant-Based Certification
In a market inundated with labels and claims, the importance of plant-based certification cannot be overstated. While many companies may assert that their products are plant-based, without proper certification, consumers are left to navigate a